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Tyler: 2010 adventures
Getting Mugged & the Warrior Within
"You know all those dogs that mug us Rusty? I could fight any one of them. But you want me to stay calm and of course I do. Yet my canine powers are maturing, my speed & coordination increasing. When I charged past youyou felt me bite and release so fast there was no time to react. That's because I am a pure bred German Shepherd. I'm genetically programmed to protect my master in an emergency from any threat. It is as automatic to my breed as an airbag is in a car crash. When the time comesI will fight for you. My spirit cannot back down if you are in danger."

Rusty ran his hands through the luxurious glossy black & silver fur of Tyler's neck. His eyes grew wet as he blinked away tears.
Tyler and I got mugged today by a German shepherd and another dog belonging to the new tenant at the front house. His off leash dogs were out of his control -- but Tyler sticks with me as we go scootering by.

Tyler showed no fear, he never barked. "With me! With me! "Good with me!" I commanded in my cheerful but calm voice.

The new tenant screamed at his dogs before dragging them off to be locked up in their kennel. Screaming is excitement--you are not supposed to add excitement to the situation. His dogs showed me that while he is their owner, he is not their master.

His relationship with his dogs is the same as countless dog owners all over this town. Every day we scooter past as they bark from their dog prisons. Dogs that live out their lives in back yard confinement. The off leash ones run into the road snarling and barking at us.

Tyler and I have been mugged many times by many off leash dogs. Not one has ever harmed us. I stay calm. We keep scootering past with Tyler on a short leash as I chant "With me! With me! Good with me!" in my happy voice.

Tyler knows the routine. After we are out of danger I always praise him, often pull over to stroke his neck and give him a treat. "Good calm dog!" I say.
Tyler transforms into a force of nature unleashed
After his daily scooter adventure, when we play; Tyler runs around the perimeter of his yard like a freight train. He transforms into a force of nature unleashed. It is awesome to behold!

I scream " RUN! RUN! TYLER RUN!!!" as he charges around and around at a gallop. Shooting past me he bites my elbow so fast it happens and he is gone before I can react. He is revealing some ancestral memory, something from his genetic inheritance. He is exercising a fierce warrior dog deep inside his 9-month old canine self.

Wow! He charges by me again and again -- planting his teeth precisely on my right forearm causing his head to twist back because his body is racing past at full gallop. This occurs in the blink of an eye. There is not a mark, not an actual bite. He does it again and again--showing me this talent.

Impressed? I am stunned. It is an unexpected display of power, precision, control. Truly, I had no idea my dog could do this.

I warn him "no bite" --but this is something entirely new and different. Tyler is deliberately showing me his ultimate physical capability --like a teenage boy asking dad to watch him do a back flip off a diving board. Then the boy does an Olympic class performance as his father's jaw drops open.

We sit at the grooming table with my arms around his neck. "You are amazing Tyler!" Then I add " But no bite!" -- he looks sheepishly at me. "Lick OK!" I assure him. "Lick is always good." But he knows all that. He really does. Tyler had shown me that his soul has a fierce warrior inside.

It is as if Tyler was saying "You know all those dogs that mug us Rusty? I could fight any one of them. But you want me to stay calm and of course I do. Yet my canine powers are maturing, my speed & coordination increasing. When I charged past youyou felt me bite and release so fast there was no time to react. That's because I am a pure bred German Shepherd. I'm genetically programmed to protect my master in an emergency from any threat. It is as automatic to my breed as an airbag is in a car crash. When the time comesI will fight for you. My spirit cannot back down if you are in danger."

Rusty ran his hands through the luxurious glossy black & silver fur of Tyler's neck. His eyes grew wet as he blinked away tears.
More adventures of Tyler the Wonder Dog...

Tyler: 2009 HOME | Tyler: 2010 adventures

Tyler the Wonder Dog is a gift from The Furry Angels a group sent to Earth during the final stages of the apocalypse to bring enlightenment to dog lovers. You are welcome to use photos and text in any manner that brings happiness to other beings as long as you credit the source (this site). If you need to tell us something, or want to send cash, well...then...the email is hsotnicam@sbcglobal.net -

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